Thursday, June 14, 2012

Call Me Simple Minded

Proverbs 21:30  “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD.”

1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is nonsense to God, for it is written: “He has seized the wise in their craftiness.”

I love Natural Tunnel State Park.  The Park is in Scott County, VA. about 20 miles north of Kingsport, TN.  I first went there when I was 4 to 5 years old with my Aunt Francis. She bravely took all five of her nephews, ranging in age from 5 to 11.   I have gone to the park over 15 times in the past 10 years. I have enjoyed Pappa Joe Smiddy Concerts, lights in the park, and just looking at the beautiful scenery.   I especially enjoy riding my motorcycle there on cool fall days.

Last year I rode my motorcycle to the park and took the chair lift to the base of the tunnel.  There I found Tony Scales who had written a book about history of the tunnel and how he claims the tunnel was formed.   Scales was selling copies of the book titled Natural Tunnel: Nature's Marvel in Stone.  Mr. Scales is a nice man and I enjoyed getting his insights on the history of the tunnel but I must admit he and I are worlds apart on its formation.   According to Mr. Scales and the official Natural Tunnel web page:  “The creation of Natural Tunnel began more than a million years ago in the early glacial period when groundwater bearing carbonic acid percolated through crevices and slowly dissolved surrounding limestone and dolomite bedrock. Then, what is now Stock Creek was probably diverted underground to continue carving the tunnel slowly over many centuries.”

I asked Mr. Scales if he would think I was simple minded if I thought that the tunnel wasn’t nearly that old and that perhaps it was around 6,000 years old.  I went on to ask if he thought it possible that the tunnel was actually formed by a massive gush of water and Stock Creek could not have formed this tunnel in trillions of years.  That is when he said something I found amazing.  He said that if you look at the shaping of the rocks that form the tunnel it would indicate shaping by massive amounts of water. I then asked him:  “Is that in your book?”   His answer of "no" revealed his trepidation of  appearing to be viewed as simple minded.

We have become so afraid of being viewed as simple minded and to express faith in God as the great designer and creator of all.   Yet, we are willing to accept theories that are as full of holes as my plan to become rich and famous.   What is really irritating is what is taught in our colleges and universities.  Students are consistently bombarded with a world view that has no room for creation by a supreme designer even while the evidence is heavily weighed in that direction.  I could go on about the intolerance and biases of so called higher education but I will save that rant for another day.

Call me simple minded but I believe in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. I believe there are not two creations stories in Genesis just like a summary blueprint for my house and a detail blueprint are not two different house plans.   I believe that God lives outside the dimensions He created and He is not constrained by His creation.  I believe God is eternally good and He is the grand designer and creator of all things.   Just simply, I believe and the longer I live, the more I believe.  I believe in God and God alone.    
So let's not be afraid to proclaim the Glory of  the Lord.

God and God Alone

Proclaim the Glory of  the Lord!

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